Ruth and Clarence Mader
Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Ruth and Clarence Mader Memorial Scholarship Fund offers grants to support research on topics related to organs, organists, and organ repertoire. Grants of up to $1,250 will be awarded and preference will be given to research that will lead to published articles or books. Research projects involving the creation of recordings or digital resources will also be considered.
The deadline to submit applications is April 30, 2025. Click HERE to download the application form. Completed applications should be saved in PDF format and sent to bach.amigo@yahoo.com.
Grant recipients will be asked to submit a short report summarizing their research progress approximately one year after receiving a grant and are also asked to acknowledge the Mader Memorial Scholarship Fund in any publications related to the grant. Questions about the grant program and application process can be directed to James Walker, Chair, Research Grant Committee using the contact form below.
Click HERE to view a list of past research grant recipients.